Extra benefits of a wood-burning stove:
Save money on your heating bills
Cracking fire will create a cosy ambience - perfect for relaxing
Some stoves may allow you to prepare meals and even boil water
Can Wood-Burning Stoves Provide Carbon Monoxide?
Wood-burning stoves can produce carbon monoxide, especially if not adequately ventilated. So, it’s crucial to ensure that your stove has been correctly installed and that you have a carbon monoxide detector situated in your home to keep you and your family safe.
Regular maintenance and cleaning of your wood-burning stove can also help prevent the build-up of carbon monoxide.
Are Wood-Burning Stoves Efficient?
Wood-burning stoves can be pretty efficient, yet, it all depends on a few factors. Such factors include the type of wood used, the design of the wood burner, and how well you maintain the stove, all of which can impact efficiency.
Generally speaking, newer wood-burning stoves are more efficient than older models, as they’re developed to burn the wood completely while producing less smoke.
And, if you use dry seasoned wood that has been stored properly, this can also increase the efficiency of your wood-burning stove.