
Whether you’re a seasoned plumbing professional, a novice DIYer, or a homeowner looking to enhance your household - our help and advice section has all the information and resources required to help you plan, install, and perfect any job.

Help & Advice by Category

Plumbing and Heating

We’re on a mission to help installers and homeowners optimise their plumbing and heating systems.
Take a look at the latest innovations in the plumbing and heating sector, discover the right products for your home, and learn the best practices for your installations.

Radiator FAQs

For help selecting the right radiators, positioning radiators in the most efficient way, and keeping them in prime condition with proper radiator maintenance - discover answers to the most commonly asked radiator questions.

Water Softener FAQs

Got water softener questions? We've got answers! Our FAQ covers everything from choosing and installing to understanding the benefits of soft water for your home. Get informed and make the best choice for your needs.

Thermostat FAQs

It’s hard to think of a single device that has more of an impact on energy bills than a thermostat. It alone controls over 60% of a household’s energy bill - so investing in the right thermostat is crucial.
Thermostat image city plumbing


With our expert knowledge of the latest Energy Efficient Technologies, an unrivalled product range and nationwide branch coverage City Plumbing Supplies are at the forefront of the transition to net zero carbon. Find out more about renewables.

Solar PV FAQs

Whether you’re planning on installing solar in your property, or simply curious about how solar PV works - we’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding solar PV panels.

Heat Pump FAQs

Simply put, heat pumps work by extracting heat from the air, ground, or water. Find out more on installation, efficiency, and much more.

EV Charger FAQs

Our energy professionals at City Plumbing have compiled an essential guide to answer all your burning questions and provide the confidence you need to choose a suitable EV charger.
Underfloor heating can seem complex at first, but it doesn't have to be. We've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions to help you make informed decisions. From installation to energy efficiency, we've got you covered.

Smart homes

Smart home devices help make properties as efficient, as comfortable, and as convenient as possible. Discover the right smart home devices for your home, and learn how to make them work for you - and your wallet.
Smart Homes

The Installers’ Guide to Smart Homes

Whether you’re setting up a few smart devices or installing a whole smart home system, it’s important to know the ins-and-outs of smart technology - including what it does, how to install it, and how it all works together. 

Thermostat FAQs

It’s hard to think of a single device that has more of an impact on energy bills than a thermostat. It alone controls over 60% of a household’s energy bill - so investing in the right thermostat is crucial.
Thermostat image city plumbing

Smart Home Heating Controls: A Guide for Installers

Smart controls are becoming a must need item in the home and there is an ever increasing number of products and services that you can provide to make both your life and your customer’s life as easy as possible.


Whether you’re refurbishing an old bathroom, or starting from scratch - a bit of inspiration goes a long way. 
In our bathroom help and advice section, you’ll find a wide range of tools and articles to help you plan, buy, and install the perfect bathroom.

Everything you Need to Know about Toilets in 2023

The most essential sanitation fixture and a key pillar of bathroom design, toilets are one of the first things to consider when renovating a bathroom.

Top 10 Mixer Showers for your Next Installation

A bathroom renovation or installation can dazzle with looks, but it’s the everyday performance and usability that your customers will come to appreciate the most.

Toilets FAQs

Toilets are an important sanitation fixture for any building, and one of the key pillars in bathroom design. Therefore, choosing the right one for you or your customer’s practical, aesthetic, and hygienic needs is crucial.

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