Published date: 12 August 2024 / Read time: 7 mins
As more of us look to installing solar panels, a hot renewable energy topic right now is understandably solar battery storage. What’s more, as energy prices remain temperamental, it’s no wonder that more homeowners are looking to solar battery storage as a means of capitalising on their current solar panels energy. 
Yet, as good an idea as battery storage is for capturing additional solar energy, it’s worth considering the advantages and indeed potential disadvantages of using it before making any investment in solar batteries. However, while battery storage may well reduce reliance on the grid and save you money, there are some things to consider before investing in it.
Here, the Energy Efficiency team at City Plumbing highlights some of the benefits and drawbacks of solar battery storage for those in the UK to help you make the best decision when trying to reduce reliance on the grid.
Solar Storage at City Plumbing

Types of Solar Battery Storage and Why It’s So Important

Paired with a renewable energy system, solar battery storage offers an energy storage solution for solar PV. This means that any excess energy that your solar panels generate during the day can be stored away. Then, rather than pulling your energy directly from the grid, you can refer to your batteries directly, usually during the evening or whenever you need more energy during the daytime. For homeowners, there are two solar battery storage systems, including an off-grid choice and a hybrid option. 
Hybrid Solar Battery Storage Systems: These are a common choice with UK homeowners currently as they’re supported by the grid. As your solar panels generate energy throughout the day, the surplus energy will be directed to the battery for storage. Any other energy that can't be stored in your batteries will be diverted back to the grid. By having the availability of this stored energy, you can then look to reduce complete reliability on the grid.
Off-Grid Solar Battery Storage Systems: Off-grid battery storage isn't as common as hybrid systems in the UK, yet it is a self-reliant choice. This method has 100% of its energy reliance on batteries, so there’s no support from the grid with an off-grid storage system. But, this means your home will need to have a solar panel system that's of vast size alongside a big solar battery storage solution that can power your home's entire energy requirements.

What Are The Pros and Cons of Solar Battery Storage?

For homeowners with solar panels installed, solar battery storage can provide a great deal of benefits.

The Pros of Solar Battery Storage

  • Maximises how you use your solar panel system
  • Helps you work towards energy independence
  • Gradually reduces your reliance on the grid
  • Utilises stored energy throughout the evening when you lose the sun
  • Saves you money by reducing your energy bills
  • Is a go-to energy source during a power cut
  • Reduces your carbon footprint by becoming less reliant on the grid
  • You can sign up to flexible energy tariffs and charge batteries at cheaper rates
  • Most battery storage solutions with solar PV benefit from the 0% VAT of renewables. 
  • Storing excess energy can make more sense financially than sending it back to the grid.
Solar panels on Roof
It’s also worth considering some potential pitfalls of solar battery storage before you make any final decisions.  

The Potential Cons of Solar Battery Storage

  • The initial outlay for solar battery storage prices can be expensive
  • Battery storage costs for solar can vary depending on the models and sizes chosen
  • Return on investment or payback times are difficult to judge and rely on several things, including energy tariffs and solar PV systems used
  • The lifespan of solar batteries ranges from three to 12 years
  • Batteries will degrade over time, meaning a lower running capacity
  • Storing in batteries reduces the amount of energy exported, thus potentially affecting any export agreements

Is Solar Battery Storage Worth It?

By using solar battery storage you get to utilise a superb way of making the best use of as much electricity as possible that your solar panels generate. Ultimately, this means saving both energy and money as you slowly reduce your reliance on the grid and thus don’t have to spend as much on your energy bills as a result. 
But, before you invest in this storage system, it's good to be aware of any potential downfalls and note that this may not be the perfect solution for everyone's current circumstances.
If you're looking for further help on choosing the best solar battery storage, contact our Renewables Team at City Plumbing. Experts in the latest energy-efficient technologies, we're perfectly placed to help homes and businesses make the smooth transition to renewable technology.
Homeowner Renewables

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