How reliable are Biomass Boilers?
With regular maintenance, biomass boilers are less likely to break than many traditional heating systems.
Biomass boilers do create ash, however the amount of ash created by pellets and chips is less than one percent of the fuel volume - meaning it only needs to be swept weekly. Log fuelled systems must be swept and cleaned more regularly to ensure proper maintenance.
Some biomass boilers have self-cleaning mechanisms, which automatically removes ash and sweeps the heat exchanger - meaning even less maintenance is required to ensure a reliable biomass boiler.
Can existing heating systems be used with Biomass Boilers?
Yes. Biomass boilers connect to any standard domestic heating system, meaning a complete heating system overhaul is not required if you plan on switching to biomass.
Do I need a hot water cylinder for a Biomass Boiler?
Yes. Biomass boilers are designed to work in tandem with a hot water cylinder, making them a requirement for biomass boiler installations.